Thursday, October 13, 2011

It's Always Sunny in Diego Garcia

Well, not quite... But without the bitter, the sweet ain't so sweet. And without clouds, what would sunny really be like? Clearly not as sweet!

When it IS sunny out here, we're quick to get on our bikes, to head for the water, to explore this majestic island, or perhaps to wander the countless streets of DG in search of an MJO - we hear they like to hang around these parts.

Like they say in Seattle (probably), the grey weather always helps you appreciate the sun, and that has certainly been the case for us. The sunny weather as of late brought Gavin and I a bike ride around the island (see references to "Lost" in earlier post), and brought Adam and I a sunny nap out on a floating dock to the tranquilizing rock of the strong trade winds that blew in yesterday afternoon. From there we were able to watch Gavin shred up the waves windsurfing.

The pictures you're seeing have been gathered over the recent days of sun we've had. Standby for footage and photography from our windy day water play.

A crab amid the ropes

Side-note on Justin Beiber to follow up on recent blog comments:

When we are traveling around Malaysia and Indo, we're planning on using Gavin's stark resemblance to Justin Beiber to reap some unfair benefits. Perhaps he has earned a few special perks for putting up with all the remarks from everyone, but we'll still call them unfair since Adam and I will surely be riding his coattail all the way into VIP rooms, black-tie parties, and many other closed-door events that we'd otherwise be shooed away from. We'll probably rent a stretch limo to take us around everywhere to make this happen a little bit more effectively.



  1. By the way, just for your information, that is true of Seattle! The clouds definitely make you appreciate sunny weather more! :)

  2. I think when crabs are that defensive it means there's a Kelvin wave coming!
